Monday, 7 June 2010

I'm still Alive!!

Gosh it's been ages since I've written anything!! Though I'm sure that no-one has noticed! We're still out in the country using this dongle thing to get online and it's so rubbish that I avoid using the internet unless I need to.

So to update you all we are nearly ready to move back home and I'm so excited about getting into the 'new' house. I will post pics when I get some and when I'm using a different connection so I don't go crazy waiting on it to load up!

Back to work about 2months now and it's goin fine. I'm enjoying being back to get some more adult conversatia bit of craic with the girls.

Charlie in now 1!! Which is so hard to belive as I just started this blog shortly after he was born and it doesn't seem that long ago.

Have been busy so haven't made that much. A few crocheted brooches and the beginnings of a scarf. Will also post pics of these soon.