It had been ages since I have blogged anything but I have been very busy with scraobpooking and I still have a ton of stuff to do!!
I spent most of October and November typing up and producing a cookbook to help raise funds to but bible for Christians in Asia. That went really well and we have raised over £2000 which is fantastic.
I was asked to make a few scrapbooks for gifts and so far have completed one and need to make another two. I enjoyed that as I got to buy lots of lovely things with someone else's money!! The first book turned out really well and the receipient is delighted!
I made a few of my Christmas presents from a mini-book to chilli jam. All accepted with pleasure. So here's a few pics of the things I have been doing!
This is Granny's Christmas Card. Charlie got his photo taken with Santa and Ian thought it would be a nice idea to give it to his mum as a card. Aren't these papers gorgeous!! They are from the Swell Noel collection from K & Co.

Great Granny Doo got this calender. I did a bit of rough applique on the top to create the tree and the birds. I was going to use a printable linen to make this calender but (typically!!!) ruined it went I put it through the printer. Will have to try and make use of it somehow! So I ended up using a printable canvas which worked really well and probably ended up make the whole thing stiffer.
I took picture of the scrapbook and the jam but can't find them at the moment so I will blog about those later.
Here is my current to do list: -
1. make a cot bumper for Charlie
2. Complete 2 more mini - books for a friend
3. Gloves for Ian for the bike
4. a Charlie's first Christmas mini-book
5. My 2009 book (got the idea from Shimmelle Lane's website)
6. Charlie's first year!
Where o where will I get the time??
Also we are moving out next week so that the builders can start the extension and I will be abck to work at Easter!
Phew! I'm sweating just thinking about doing all this stuff!!