Monday, 6 December 2010

Christmas is Coming!

It's nearly Christmas and I'm getting into the Christmas Spirit. Got a couple of trees up and have been enjoying my flower course. I've made a garland using eucalyptus, evergreens and green orchids and a wreath for the back door. I enjoyed making them, but it took ages, about 2 hours each. Would love to make a few for family but where would I get the time??

Here is my fireplace with the garland. Unfornately one of the glass baubles has already bit the dust after falling onto the hearth. Hopefully the other two will manage to last it out!!

My new tree. I love this look of this tree and even better everything, including the tree, was either on sale last year, two for one or just a real bargin!! Think that's why Ian likes it too!!

Charlie has been really good and hasn't gone near it too much!! I told him the little owl would tell mammy and daddy if he touched anything! So far it's working!!

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Dresser Complete!!

Ta-da! Granda's dresser is complete. Just got it up to Charlie's room tonight and it looks great with the wallpaper!!

I got a few tester pots from B&Q mixed to match the stripes of the wallpaper. They'll not be that hard wearing but there's plenty of paint leftover to do any wee touch ups required!

The two wee dogs were made by my Dad when he was at school. I just sanded them down too and painted them. I think they look great and Charlie already loves them!!

Here are a few 'before' pics of the dresser. Unfortunately I didn't take one before I started sanding!!

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Time to Start Finishing!!

I'm tired! I have a desire to finish so many of the things that I have started but I don't have the time and mostly the energy! Being back at work after maternity leave makes life so much busier.

Just thinking through the half finished projects maddens me and I really do want to finish them. I think that I will set myself some deadlines and try to stick to them and we'll see how it goes.

So first deadline is for Granda's dresser. Mum and I papered Charlie's room last night with stripy paper from Harlequin's What a Hoot range and it is fab!! So I must finish the dresser so it can go into Charlie's room too! Think I'll give myself a week!!! Already have the basecoat done so just have to do the top coat!

Here's a few of the things I actually have managed to finish recently!

My tea cosy & matching tea pot stand (no pic) I just recovered an old tea cosy using Heather Bailey fabric (I think). I'm really pleased by how it turned out and now my sister want a matching pair too!!

I have also recently started a flower arranging class and this is my first arrangement. It's all done inside a pumpkin which I thought looked great.

Really enjoyed tyring something new and we are going to learn how to make a Christmas Wreath and a garland which I'm really looking forward too.

So here's to deadlines and the hope that they will spur me on to actually finish something!!

Saturday, 21 August 2010

Offical Notice!

Ok! I'm about to start making a few things and I'm hoping that if I make them offical I will actually to them! I fancy making a nice tea cosie out of some Amy Butler Fabric. The green in it matches my kitchen. I am in the middle of painting my Granda's old set of drawers for Charlie's room. Also have to make a curtain before friday for my bathroom. So here goes!! Hopefully I will be able to show the fruits of my labour shortly!!

Monday, 7 June 2010

I'm still Alive!!

Gosh it's been ages since I've written anything!! Though I'm sure that no-one has noticed! We're still out in the country using this dongle thing to get online and it's so rubbish that I avoid using the internet unless I need to.

So to update you all we are nearly ready to move back home and I'm so excited about getting into the 'new' house. I will post pics when I get some and when I'm using a different connection so I don't go crazy waiting on it to load up!

Back to work about 2months now and it's goin fine. I'm enjoying being back to get some more adult conversatia bit of craic with the girls.

Charlie in now 1!! Which is so hard to belive as I just started this blog shortly after he was born and it doesn't seem that long ago.

Have been busy so haven't made that much. A few crocheted brooches and the beginnings of a scarf. Will also post pics of these soon.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Bits & Bobs Update!

Well, I have finally got round to blogging!! We are settling in well out in the countryside and the building is going sorta well. We had a few hiccups last week and a few this but everything has gotten sorted.

The builders have the foundations in already and the concrete floors done too. Not bad for a week and a half's work!!

I'm going to take a few pics 2moro and hopefully I'll get them posted soon. We got a dongle to stay online with while we are away from home and it's pretty slow! I tried to load photos up last night but it took so long I gave up, so I'm at my mum's catching up on some internet geeking tonight!

I thought that I would post a few pics of some of the things I've been at recently.

This is Charlie's new cot bumper I made. The fabric is a brushed cotton and it's lovely. Charlie enjoys talking to the dumper trucks and diggers. I put two layers of padding inbetween to make it nice and cosy and I just use a white brushed cotton for the back. I quite pleased with it. I must admit that I did sew one side panel to the other side panel instead of to the shorter top panel but just left it as it had taken me ages to get that far. However it looks spot on and only the pickiest critic (i.e. me) would notice!

My crocheted scarf is coming along nicely. I have now completed 2 full rows in the dark blue and I'm actually looking forward to wearing it! I think that I have crocheted it a bit too tight but it should be ok however it's getting looser as I go along so I'm not sure how wide it will end up!!!

This is my first (well maybe fifth) attempt to complet a flower. I tried to follow a video on you-tube but think that I may have gotten mixed up at the start. I really want to make a few flower brooches so I will have to do a bit more practising.

Hope this makes sense as Charlie is sititng on my knee at the minute trying to eat the keyboard and the mouse!!

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Our First Night

Had our first night out in the country where we will be living while the renovations are going on. Will post a few pics when I take some.

It's great just a lovely wee place for the 3 of us. Charlie slept in his own room last night and had a great night's sleep and so did we!

Woke up this morning to a beautiful morning and a fab view of the countryside. Back home at the minute clearing up a few more bits and bobs - which is what I am meant to be doing rather that blogging!! But Ian never reads this so he'll never know!! Sssshh!!

Also must remember to get the next part of my crochet mag which I'm really enjoying! I checked out some of the crochet pics on flickr and there is some great inspiration!

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Moving Out!

This is just a short note cause if Ian catches me at this instead of working I'm in big trouble! We are finally moving out to start our extension!! YEAH and CRAP!

Yeah because we are finally getting started and crap because we have sooooo much crap to pack up!

Hopefully it will go smoothly and there will be no hitches!! Yeah right!!

Monday, 11 January 2010

My Latest Obsession!

I have just discovered Crocheting! Well that's partly true! Ages ago I had seen some crochet flowers used in scrapbooking and thought that I would love to be able to do that. As usual I had about 1 million (ok slight exaggeration!!) things to do so never got round to it. So I was glad, and slightly excited, to see that a new magazine was being released about learning to crochet. I set off to the town to buy one only to find out that there was not a copy in the place. Thankfully I found a lovely sales assistant who said she would contact me, and keep me a copy, if new ones arrived. Ian couldn't believe that there were no copies left in town and said that he hadn't realised that there were that many freaks about!! He won't be saying that when I crochet him a really warm, cosy jumper!!!!!

Any how long story short, got a copy and am really enjoying it. I have crocheted a few practice bits and have now started a scarf, which hopefully wont take too long. The magazine teaches you a new stitch each week so that you can make a crocheted blanket. It's complete in ONLY 120 copies - not sure if I'll buy all the magazines but I definitely want to make a blanket for Charlie.

Here's a few of my attempts and the beginnings of my scarf!

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Winter Wonderland!?

It's not often that we get an awful lot of snow in Northern Ireland. (Well in my lifetime anyway!) So it was great to see snow over Christmas and it's still here! I'm probably one of the few people at the minute who thinks that it's good that the snow is still here! The rest still have to get to work every morning and since I'm still off on maternity that is not really an issue for me!

However it has become one!! We are, or should I say were, due to start a bit of building work on the house next week but we can't get it started if the ground is still as frozen! I was really excited about starting the extension as we have been talking about it for nearly 4 years now so it's about time that it was done!

Really want the snow to hang about a bit longer but in reality it has to go! This country is really not prepared to a little bit of snow! I'm sure that they are still building houses in Alaska or Finland when it's snowing!? How else would builders be able to make money!!

Our back yard. The snow was about a foot deep. This is actually quite a lot for the town.

The view down my Mum & Dad's lane yesterday afternoon. This snow had just fallen during the morning. Gorgeous!!

Friday, 1 January 2010

Lou's Homemade Christmas

I made this wee book for my sister Louise. We had been watching Kirsty's Homemade Christmas and she had said that she liked it but missed the last programme. So I thought that I could make her a wee mini-book with the programmes recorded on DVD's inside the book. I also taped a few other Christmas cookery shows and added recipes.
There's a wee notebook inside so she can use it each Christmas for lists etc. I was quite pleased with the result and I think that she liked it. I wanted to make salt dough letters for the front but didn't have the time. The papers I used are from a free digital download I got last year from Shabby Princess. I don't think that this collection is still on their site but there are other great fee downloads.
I used a lot of gesso in this project, which I got off Ebay, to create the white edges. I have just started using it and love it. It's much more opaque than white ink and goes really far! A good investment.

I cut out the 'Lou' from felt and cross-stitched it onto the paper. I used my craft-robo to cut out Christmas and then embossed it with a glitter powder.

Louise had said that she liked the ribbon I used for my Christmas presents so I wrapped a load around a parcel tag and enclosed it in the back page.
Update on the to do list - have cut out all the pieces for Charlie's cot bumper, just need more quilting fabric for inside then I'm ready to sew!!

Busy! Busy! Busy!

It had been ages since I have blogged anything but I have been very busy with scraobpooking and I still have a ton of stuff to do!!

I spent most of October and November typing up and producing a cookbook to help raise funds to but bible for Christians in Asia. That went really well and we have raised over £2000 which is fantastic.
I was asked to make a few scrapbooks for gifts and so far have completed one and need to make another two. I enjoyed that as I got to buy lots of lovely things with someone else's money!! The first book turned out really well and the receipient is delighted!

I made a few of my Christmas presents from a mini-book to chilli jam. All accepted with pleasure. So here's a few pics of the things I have been doing!

This is Granny's Christmas Card. Charlie got his photo taken with Santa and Ian thought it would be a nice idea to give it to his mum as a card. Aren't these papers gorgeous!! They are from the Swell Noel collection from K & Co.

Great Granny Doo got this calender. I did a bit of rough applique on the top to create the tree and the birds. I was going to use a printable linen to make this calender but (typically!!!) ruined it went I put it through the printer. Will have to try and make use of it somehow! So I ended up using a printable canvas which worked really well and probably ended up make the whole thing stiffer.
I took picture of the scrapbook and the jam but can't find them at the moment so I will blog about those later.
Here is my current to do list: -
1. make a cot bumper for Charlie
2. Complete 2 more mini - books for a friend
3. Gloves for Ian for the bike
4. a Charlie's first Christmas mini-book
5. My 2009 book (got the idea from Shimmelle Lane's website)
6. Charlie's first year!
Where o where will I get the time??
Also we are moving out next week so that the builders can start the extension and I will be abck to work at Easter!
Phew! I'm sweating just thinking about doing all this stuff!!