I have just discovered Crocheting! Well that's partly true! Ages ago I had seen some crochet flowers used in scrapbooking and thought that I would love to be able to do that. As usual I had about 1 million (ok slight exaggeration!!) things to do so never got round to it. So I was glad, and slightly excited, to see that a new magazine was being released about learning to crochet. I set off to the town to buy one only to find out that there was not a copy in the place. Thankfully I found a lovely sales assistant who said she would contact me, and keep me a copy, if new ones arrived. Ian couldn't believe that there were no copies left in town and said that he hadn't realised that there were that many freaks about!! He won't be saying that when I crochet him a really warm, cosy jumper!!!!!
Any how long story short, got a copy and am really enjoying it. I have crocheted a few practice bits and have now started a scarf, which hopefully wont take too long. The magazine teaches you a new stitch each week so that you can make a crocheted blanket. It's complete in ONLY 120 copies - not sure if I'll buy all the magazines but I definitely want to make a blanket for Charlie.
Here's a few of my attempts and the beginnings of my scarf!

Thats funny about the mag i've looked at least 12 places and my mum has looked 12 different ones!! We tried to tell them that crafting was class all along didn't we! the crochet looks good is it very tricky?i really like the bright multicoloured blankets i think they are made up of granny squares but they look super hard! maybe next weeks mag will show me how to do it ha!
ReplyDeleteIt's not actually that tricky once you get on to it but the scarf is going to take me forever!!