The builders have the foundations in already and the concrete floors done too. Not bad for a week and a half's work!!
I'm going to take a few pics 2moro and hopefully I'll get them posted soon. We got a dongle to stay online with while we are away from home and it's pretty slow! I tried to load photos up last night but it took so long I gave up, so I'm at my mum's catching up on some internet geeking tonight!
I thought that I would post a few pics of some of the things I've been at recently.
This is Charlie's new cot bumper I made. The fabric is a brushed cotton and it's lovely. Charlie enjoys talking to the dumper trucks and diggers. I put two layers of padding inbetween to make it nice and cosy and I just use a white brushed cotton for the back. I quite pleased with it. I must admit that I did sew one side panel to the other side panel instead of to the shorter top panel but just left it as it had taken me ages to get that far. However it looks spot on and only the pickiest critic (i.e. me) would notice!

My crocheted scarf is coming along nicely. I have now completed 2 full rows in the dark blue and I'm actually looking forward to wearing it! I think that I have crocheted it a bit too tight but it should be ok however it's getting looser as I go along so I'm not sure how wide it will end up!!!

This is my first (well maybe fifth) attempt to complet a flower. I tried to follow a video on you-tube but think that I may have gotten mixed up at the start. I really want to make a few flower brooches so I will have to do a bit more practising.
Hope this makes sense as Charlie is sititng on my knee at the minute trying to eat the keyboard and the mouse!!