Sunday 16 August 2009

I Hate Computers!!

I have decided tonight that I actually want to physically harm a computer! I fancy using a baseball bat and thumping it up into tiny little pieces!! I'm trying to sort out the operating system on our home computer, which turned out to be counterfeit after having an upgrade, but it won't allow me and if I'm totally honest I don't understand half of the stuff it's asking me to do. On top of that my work laptop has decided to turn the backlight off on the screen and I haven't a clue what that's all about!
SO I would really, really like to smash a computer up into wee pieces - just for the fun of it!
(Actually just writing this has been helpful. I don't feel just as manic now!)

1 comment:

  1. oh, i feel your pain! i hope that you can get all your computer issues sorted out. i always joke that if it weren't for my husband, i wouldn't be able to own a i know nothing about them. thankfully, he does!
