Thursday 7 January 2010

Winter Wonderland!?

It's not often that we get an awful lot of snow in Northern Ireland. (Well in my lifetime anyway!) So it was great to see snow over Christmas and it's still here! I'm probably one of the few people at the minute who thinks that it's good that the snow is still here! The rest still have to get to work every morning and since I'm still off on maternity that is not really an issue for me!

However it has become one!! We are, or should I say were, due to start a bit of building work on the house next week but we can't get it started if the ground is still as frozen! I was really excited about starting the extension as we have been talking about it for nearly 4 years now so it's about time that it was done!

Really want the snow to hang about a bit longer but in reality it has to go! This country is really not prepared to a little bit of snow! I'm sure that they are still building houses in Alaska or Finland when it's snowing!? How else would builders be able to make money!!

Our back yard. The snow was about a foot deep. This is actually quite a lot for the town.

The view down my Mum & Dad's lane yesterday afternoon. This snow had just fallen during the morning. Gorgeous!!

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